Saturday, February 03, 2007
If there were no heaven, would we still worship? I was thinking of this because a lot of people say that christians are christians because they want to believe in life after death. So if there were no promise of eternal life, would we still worship God or want to have a relationship with him?


Blogger Mark Tiddy said...

actually I have come across some Christians who don't believe in heaven, now forgetting the stupidity of this and the fact that they're not agreeing with the bible they obviously worship because of God and not because of heaven

typical yarco-Christian response:

`I don't agree with that, ergo, they're wierd`.

But I've often wondered how much we make Christianity into what we want it to be and whether it is indeed ultimately hedonistic

Blogger Laura said...

If there was no heaven I don't think that would take away our obligation to worship God, or his worthiness of our worship. It does make you think about the reasons we worship though.

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