Monday, October 30, 2006
Is it easy to distinguish between the two? Is it possible for a worship band to lead worship without some element of performance involved?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting question, I think you can distinguish between the two, for example I'd say delirious are performance and yes their lyrics are about God but I'd say they are still performing, same goes for Proclaimers, I guess to see the difference you need to compare something like a delirious live video with a matt redman one

like i always say:

singing isn't worship - it's not even a type of worship. Singing is the manifestation of a person worshipping inside.

Just like you hear Christians say `If you're a brick layer - let your brick laying be your worship`... brick laying isn't worship, God doesn't care about brick laying, but if you express the worship you feel by brick laying, then you can manifest your worship in anything.

Blogger hayley said...

Yes, of course. But sometimes after sung worship people have said to me that they felt the band was caught up in performance, and losing the motive behind their playing. However I kinda feel that if you're going to lead people in worship musically then you ought to do it to the best of your ability.

I would play to the best of my ability in worship, but I don't think most churches want to worship to littel brown jug

Blogger Helsalata said...

Hi there Hayley! Managed to stumble across your blog which is a good thing!

My opinion is that it doesn't really matter. A worship group is performing as much as a preacher is performing. The fruit lies in whether the congregation is being led into the presence of God. If perfomance is all that the band can offer, people will not be led to God. If the motive in the band is slightly mixed, I think God is gracious. He uses our weaknesses to glorify Himself.

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